NBEMS declares tentative Date Sheet 2022 for all Exam
The full form of NBEMS is the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences. The governing body conducts and monitors the proceedings of post-graduate medical entrance exams in India. There are multiple exams under different categories. The NBEM has declared the date for each exam.
Obtain the Dates should be a priority
It is helpful for any interested candidate to know the dates clearly. You can consult with us, the top educational consultants of Vidya Edify, to obtain the correct information. We provide detailed information about medical exams in India and abroad and help students secure admissions to prestigious medical colleges and institutes.
Important Dates for NEET
The date for admission to NEET-MDS 2022 is March 6. The date for admission to NEET PG 2022 is March 12. On the other hand, the dates for NEET-SS 2022 under the revised scheme are June 18 and June 19, 2022. The NEET exam for UG will be conducted on July 17, 2022.
What is NEET?
NEET is an All-India-based examination for students aspiring to pursue MBBS or other medical courses in India. To get through the admission process, one has to produce a valid NEET scorecard.
Important Dates for FMGE
FMGE is a mandatory exam a student has to pass. When he has got his MBBS degree in a foreign medical college and wants to practice in India, he has to produce the FMGE, which stands for Foreign Medical Examination. The dates have been declared. The dates in the 2022 edition are June 4 and December 17. The FMGE exams are screening tests for the candidates. The candidates who pass the exam are eligible to practice medicine in different hospitals, institutes, nursing homes, and medical centres without any legal or administrative issues.
Other Significant Dates
If you are interested in getting a post-doctoral degree in medical sciences in India, you have to appear for the FNB Exam and pass it. Also, passing the DNB exam is crucial in this case. The NBEMS has declared all the dates for the FNB Exam and theory and practical exams of DNB. You can check the dates on their site after reading the information here.
The FNB Exit Exam was conducted in February and March this year. The Final Theory Exam of DNB is scheduled between June 9 and June 12, 2022. The Final Practical Exam of DNB is scheduled to be held in September, October, and November 2022. The exam is held twice a year. So, there are more dates you need to consider. The second time the DNB Theoretical Exam will be held is from December 21 to December 24, 2022. The corresponding Final Practical Exam will be held in March, April, and May 2023.
It is essential to know that the dates declared by the NBEMS are tentative. If there are any updates, NBMES will notify the candidates. It is wise to check the official website of the concerned authorities regularly.
Consult Experienced Education Consultants
It is crucial to seek advice from experienced education consultants about critical exam dates of various medical examinations. The consultants are experts and help you to obtain complete information. There is no confusion anywhere. Knowledge of exam dates helps you to prepare for the exam.
If you want to get professional support, you should Call Us Vidya Edify, a reputable name in education consulting. We help students access every detailed bit of information related to medical exams. Also, we guide you to secure admission to top medical colleges and institutes, both in India and abroad. Feel free to call us. You can write an email, too. We respond to your questions proactively.

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